Saturday, October 15, 2011

my place and yours ...

So here is a quickie! I have a whole list of things to blog about, but have been so busy! So, I thought why not just play this game to keep my hand in the blogging game. The lovely Vic from Punky & Me started it, so do pop over to see what is 'on her shelf'. The idea is that at my place, and at your place, we share a little everyday something. Today it is what is 'on  your shelf'. So, with apologies in advance of my dodgy photos (taken on my crappy old phone, because our camera died), here is one of my favourite shelves. This shelf comes with design credit to the lovely G, who has an eye for such things.


  1. Phew Lex, you've given my poor old eyes a workout with this post! (Good thing I'm getting new glasses soon!)

    Very pretty glass vases & a very neat (dare I say too neat...?) shelf altogether... I feel like leaving a magazine open on it or something... ;)

    Thanks for joining in!

  2. Your coloured glass collection is lovely. Love the green bottle.

  3. Just too pretty! I have a green vase exactly the same, somewhere in the cupboard.

  4. thanks all! and vic - i am working on making the blog more reader friendly! am not the most techy of people . . .! :)
