Sunday, May 30, 2010

red group

I had a short stint in hospital this last week - nothing serious. While I was there I had plenty of time to get my crochet on! An afternoon trip to Point Walter and a stroll on the jetty was inspiration for this tag:

Then I decided that some more monsters needed creating! I have been a bit monster-mad lately! So I free-formed the many-eyed monster in my head, and here is the result. I installed him outside the Mt Lawley Neighbourhood Centre - where I used to borrow toys from the toy library as a tiny person. I also took a course in machine sewing when I was about 12 here as well - which still serves me well!

I had this line of crochet scallops in my bag and decided to leave a little mark at the hospital - it didn't even last 24 hours! But that is part of the joy of yarn tagging for me - it has an ephemeral quality, and invokes an interaction with people.

Above is the crochet beard I made while in 'red group', the creative space at the hospital. There is a tangible positive vibe that exists in creative spaces, where people are 'making'. I felt really comfortable and peaceful there. The facial hair fits me well, now to find the ideal public 'figure' for it to adorn! Any ideas?!?


  1. Tony Abbott. I think.

    PS the many eyed monster ROCKS>

  2. I'm wondering if you might have heard of the toy society? Its an online group that makes toys and randomly drops them anywhere and everywhere all over the world, (though it started here in Australia). I have only done one drop yet but it's lots of fun!

  3. haha!! would love to tag mr abbott with a beard!! thanks drewzel :)

    kylie - i hadn't heard of the toy society, but am about to google it - sounds totally rad!
