Sunday, August 8, 2010

art in bloom update

So, the lovely Emi and I have been thinking, and creating proto-types, in search of the perfect crochet installation idea for the Green Wall in the Northbridge Piazza. And it has been harder than we thought! It is good to have a restriction to a floral inspired design, but we both were hoping to have a message or concept behind the piece. Also finding an idea that will be effective (given the huge space) as well as able to construct in the time we have (limited!) is proving quite tricky! I made a trial flower, which I am quite pleased with, but it is just too small, and took too long to make, to re-produce the 20 or more we would need to look effective on the wall. . . . back to the drawing board!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Missus and I are looking forward to seeing your work.

